Get smart about spring cleaning
The Diagnosis: Dirty Windows
The Cure:Mostly condo windows count as common elements. Your condo fees will likely contribute to annual spring window cleaning. To retain a sense of privacy during this period, you may wish to keep your blinds shut during the day. Window cleaning may not include balcony doors and windows, since most buildings require owners and tenants to keep up their own balconies.
Side Effects:You will find that the cleaner the windows, the better the view and light quality in your unit.

Clearing out clutter can make your condo feel clean and fresh for spring.
The Cure:It is easy to get stuck in the trap of storing miscellaneous items by stuffing them into your storage locker. Remember Monica Geller’s secret closet in Friends? Don’t let your storage locker become that! To combat overall disorganization, consider tackling the task of cleaning your locker. Dispose of what you really do not need. Now is also a good time to buy in bulk, stocking up on toilet paper, cleaning products and items you do not want to run to a grocery store for at the last minute. This will save time in the long run.
The Diagnosis: Stagnant Air
The Cure:Because houses often have more external doors and opening windows, you may find you don’t have to make the same conscious effort to change the air in a home as a condo. This time of year, frequent temperature fluctuations may result in the air feeling a bit stagnant in your condo, so open up your doors and windows regularly to let in fresh air.
The Diagnosis: Streaky Glass and Mirrors
The Cure:Showers with floor-to-ceiling glass and bathrooms with floor-to-ceiling mirrors may look beautiful in a showroom, but condo dwellers may find they are difficult to keep streak-free. One great way of improving your odds is to purchase a squeegee at stores such as Home Sense. This way, you can wipe your glass post-shower to cut down on streaks. For mirrors, consider the age-old technique of wiping with newspaper instead of paper towel. A tried but true method.
The Diagnosis: Too Much Trash
The Cure:If you’re struggling with constant trips to the chute or garbage room, consider investing in a trash compactor.
A Tool To Make Your Condo Cleanup Easier
During this time of heavy cleanup, consider investing in tools to make your condo easier to clean. One such tool is a Roomba Vacuum.
Cynthia Weinstein has lived in her Ottawa condo for years and could not stand vacuuming. Not only was it noisy, but the cord situation was always inconvenient, as was the bending involved with vacuuming. Weinstein loves her Roomba, which is an autonomous vacuum that memorizes the floor plan and vacuums regularly. It works not only on rugs, but also on hardwood and granite.
Each week, Weinstein lets her Roomba do the work, saving herself hours of cleanup time. Robotic vacuums like this can save time and energy. Weinstein is impressed with the efficiency of her artificially intelligent friend.
When spring cleaning, do sweat the small stuff. Getting rid of unnecessary items that have piled up over the past year will help you feel fresh for the new season.
Marilyn Wilson has been selling real estate for more than 27 years and owns Marilyn Wilson Dream Properties Inc. Christie’s International Real Estate. Reach her through
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